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Hindi Internet

Ever wondered that the complete internet you're browsing could be in Hindi or not?

Tech Aficionado brings up a great insight on the Hindi internet. Hindi internet basically means complete internet in the Hindi Language.

You must have visited websites that are in the Hindi language, so basically these websites contain contents in the Hindi language, to begin with, that does not imply Hindi internet. Hindi internet means that all the viewable texts should be solely in the Hindi language which includes the domain as well. There are several websites that have all the contents in the Hindi language but not the domain, for example, this news website "Hindustan" is completely in Hindi except that its domain is in English which is

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So this website is not ideally an example of Hindi internet. Hindi internet includes domain in the Hindi Language too. So a full-fledged website in Hindi does have great issues, neither known by the search engines nor by computers. Countries like China, Japan, and Russia already have URLs in their respective languages. Having URLs in the respective language means there is neither www nor .com present literally in the website's address. They might have these but in their respective language.

The government of India got the approval for the .bharat(in the Hindi language) domain in 2014 for 22 languages, which was approved by iCan. This helps in creating a fully regional language website.

Obviously, the backend for these websites is coded in English but the front-end is completely in the Hindi language. The first-ever website which is solely in the Hindi language is mera.bharat

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Make sure to visit this once to check out its domain name which is registered as ".bharat"(which is in the Hindi language). When this website was originally created in 2014 itself, the major issues faced were that none of the search engines supported the domain itself. It was also difficult to type the letters in Hindi using the PC's keyboard. So bringing traffic to a pure Hindi website was quite a cumbersome task as people need to literally type that word by word because on sharing it was clickable, it used to come as text on sharing. The owner of the website had to send the links to their website and make people copy-paste so that they can actually visit the website. The owner also faced issues as the browsers of their own computers were not supporting the Hindi Language. 2014-2016 was the most struggling years, but then in 2016 Google announced that the Google search engine will now be supporting Hindi as well as 13 other languages URLs which then encouraged people to make these websites which are completely in the Hindi language. From 2018 onwards the website traffic boomed due to smartphones having an option to switch languages and type your local language. Till 2019, the owner was unable to share it on social media, he has to deliberately add HTTP or something to make the links clickable. As the technology grew it became easier and easier to get the website ranked. It is now listed as a news website too in Google.

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Easy up Tech - Tech Aficionado
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