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What is Adobe Dimension?

Heard of Photoshop but not of Dimension?

Tech Aficionado brings you an amazing post including all the stuff you need to know about Adobe Dimension.

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Adobe Dimension as the name suggests deals with three-dimensional design. Unlike Blender and SketchUp you don't have to make the model from scratch in order to render the final mock-up for a design.

Now, what's a mock-up?

Mock-up is basically the 2D design printed on a real-life 3D object. For example, if I've got a design and want to see how does that look on a T-shirt, so in order to do that I'll make a T-shirt and overlay the design on the T-shirt and that will be called a Mock-up. Thinking of a T-shirt, it doesn't seem a very tough task to put a design on a T-shirt and see how does that look. But in real life, there is a hell lot of things that need to be designed, and making their mock-ups are not a cup of tea. So there are ways you can directly make a model from scratch with the desired design using the aforementioned softwares.

To make this cumbersome task easy, Adobe made this supercool software named Dimension. It was founded as Project Felix on March 28, 2017, and became Dimension on October 18, 2017.

This powerful Adobe software can convert any of your image overlaid or put up on 3D objects such as a cup, shopping bag, ball, wine glass, bottle, cuboid box, or anything which can be printed with a design. Even though these mock-ups can be created using Adobe Photoshop or Adobe illustrator but these design softwares are not meant for 3D designing so can take a lot of time to render the final object despite the high configurations of your system.

How different is the workspace of Adobe Dimension compared to Adobe Photoshop?

Unlike Adobe Photoshop it doesn't perform a lot of tasks so the workspace is even easier than Adobe Photoshop. The workspace includes the main 3D object placeholder or the ground in easy language. Then at the right, there's a handful of tools to vary the position of the 3D object, arrange different 3D objects, rotate the 3D object, and much more.

The other things included in the workspace are the environment lightning, type of 3D object, and the material of the 3D object. You can choose a variety of pre-setup settings.

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From Left to right, Environmental Lightning, Material of the 3D object, Type of 3D Object, Background image

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